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Rs325.00 Our Society by Deepak Puri | Mahiti Pravah Publication Rs695.00 Hind Law House's The Co-operative Housing Societies New Model Bye-Laws by A. Rs225.00 Aarti & Company's Law & Practice of Housing Societies In Maharashtra by CA. Rs280.00 Hind Law House's Co-operative Housing Society Bye Laws by Adv. This book contains Co-operative housing Society Registration, Deemed Conveyance, Redevelopment of. Rs360.00 Chaudhari Law Publisher's Co-operative Housing Societies Manual in Marathi by Sudhir Birje | सहकारी गृहनिर्माण संस्था कामकाज संहिता Includes :GR for procedure for issuing Deemed Conveyance Order & Certificate dt. Ten important changes made therein are explained as under by Adv.Ġ reviews / Write a review Related Books Snow White's New Model Bye-Laws of the Co-operative Housing Society (Flat Type] After approval of the Commissioner for Co-operation and Registrar Co-operative Societies, Maharashtra State, Pune given vide letter dated. These Bye Laws have been printed in English & Marathi by the Mumbai District Co-operative Housing Federation Ltd. (3) An amendment shall be deemed to have been duly passed, if a resolution in that behalf is passed at a general meeting by not less than two-thirds of the members present thereat, and voting. (2) The society shall give due notice in accordance with its bye-laws to all the members for considering any amendment thereof. Co-operative Housing Society Bye Laws for Block Owners (Marathi)